AI Seminar Series - Lucas Beyer

Sep 02, 2024
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Lucas Beyer

2nd September, 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00 PM (GST)

Title:Vision in the age of LLMs
Affiliation:Google DeepMind (formerly Brain) Zürich
Abstract:I will discuss how vision has changed with the integration of language and the appearance of LLMs, with focus on the recent works of our group. Specifically, I will spend a bit of time on SigLIP, and on the PaLI line of work. Depending on time, I might also cover UViM and RL-tuning for vision, as well as fairness and cultural diversity in VLMs (our recent "No Filter" paper)
Bio:Lucas grew up in Belgium wanting to make video games and their AI. He went on to study mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen in Germany, then did a PhD in robotic perception and computer vision there too. Now, he is a staff research scientist at Google DeepMind (formerly Brain) in Zürich, leading multimodal vision-language research.