The 3rd Workshop on Security and Privacy in Connected Embedded Systems (SPICES 2024)

Embedded systems have become pervasive in modern society: from managing the power grids that allow you to boil the kettle in the morning, to monitoring your sleep patterns at night. They play a crucial role in facilitating communication, enabling access to information, and powering the unseen minutiae of everyday life. Securing these networks and devices is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and privacy of individuals, businesses, and governments.

However, despite significant recent progress in recognising the need for security in such systems, it is often still an afterthought. Furthermore, emerging communication technologies such as 6G, cloud computing, and the inexorable rise of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning present new security threats and privacy issues that require innovative solutions. Moreover, unconventional threats and vulnerabilities can circumvent established security and privacy dogmas, thereby exposing key weaknesses in critical systems.

The Workshop on Security and Privacy in Connected Embedded Systems (SPICES) aims to address these challenges and foster interdisciplinary collaboration to explore innovative solutions for securing wireless and embedded systems. The workshop provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to discuss the latest topics and challenges in wireless and embedded systems security and privacy – not only on how existing systems should be secured, but exploring important security aspects (or lack of) in current research trends. We welcome submissions with unusual takes on existing techniques, proposals for novel security and privacy solutions, exposure of atypical weaknesses, and the application of unconventional approaches to solving next-generation wireless security challenges.


Biographies and contact information of the organizers

Martin Andreoni

Martin Andreoni is Principal Security Researcher with the Secure Systems Research Centre (SSRC) at the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Author of several publications and patents in security, virtualization, traffic analysis, and Machine Learning. Martin is workshop chair of the 22nd International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ANCS’24), guest editor of the Special Issue on 6G Security using Zero-trust for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), and associate editor of the Annals of Telecommunications (Springer). He was co-chair of the first and second organizing committee of SPICES in 2022/2023.

Pericle Perazzo

Pericle Perazzo is a researcher at the University of Pisa. His research interests include the area of security and privacy in the Internet of Things, with special emphasis on attribute-based encryption, post-quantum cryptography, and blockchain. Pericle contributed to the embedded computing area with publications in venues such as: IEEE IoT Journal, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks, etc. Pericle has been Co-Chair of the Workshop on Management of Cloud and Smart City Systems (MoCS) in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions and Co-Chair of the SPICES in 2022 and 2023 editions.

Fikret Basic

Fikret Basic is a PostDoc researcher at the Graz University of Technology, Austria. He is a co-author of several publications including the areas of secure system design and protocols, automotive and embedded systems, IoT, wireless communication, and design patterns in venues such as DATE, DSD, IEEE RFID, etc. He contributed as a session chair to the special session on security, SPCPS, during the Euromicro DSD 2023 conference. His current area of research focuses on security in wireless and cyber-physical devices.

Program Committee



Gianluca Dini

University of Pisa

Carlo Vallati

University of Pisa

Ilaria Matteucci


Rodrigo Roman

University of Málaga

Ruben Rios

University of Málaga

Andres Murillo


Florian Caullery

Technology Innovation Institute

Markus Schuss

TU Graz

Pietro Tedeschi


Willian Tessaro Lunardi

Technology Innovation Institute

Everton de Matos

Technology Innovation Institute

Alma Oracevic

University of Bristol

Shadi Attarha

University of Bremen

Irdin Pekaric

University of Lichtenstein


End Time

Welcome and Opening



SESSION 1: Chair: Pericle Perazzo

Keynote 1 : Dr Florian Caullery: Designing Open-Source RISC-V Based Secure and Safe Flight Computers

Tabula Rasa: Starting Safe Stays Safe
Tyler Potyondy, Samir Rashid, Leon Schuermann, Anthony Tarbinian, Pat Pannuto

Highway Hijackers: Evaluating Patch Attack Susceptibility in Autonomous Driving Lane Detection Systems

Romana Blazevic, Alexander Toch, Fikret Basic

Lightweight Fault Detection in UAVs: A Machine Learning Approach with Dynamic Time Windows

Saeed Alseiari, Willian T. Lunardi, Martin Andreoni

Hacking the Backbone: Shell Reverse Attacks on IIoT Systems

Wael Alsabbagh, Chaerin Kim, Nitin Sanjay Patil, Peter Langendoerfer



SESSION 2: Chair: Fikret Basic
HeatPulse: Thermal Attacks on Air Pollution Sensors
Natsuki Morand, Ahmed Boubrima, Walid Bechkit, Zhambyl Shaikhanov
Hack in an Elevator! Pentesting a Lift Control Web App
Pericle Perazzo, Gianmarco Manfredonia

Keynote 2: Prof. Anna Maria Mandalari: Safeguarding the Connected World: Prioritizing Security and Privacy in IoT

Closing + Discussion

Call for Papers

The 3rd Workshop on Security and Privacy in Connected Embedded Systems (SPICES 2024) 
Co-located with EWSN 2024 -- December 10, 2024

We invite researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to submit papers (up to 6 pages, double-column) focusing on topics such as:

- Wireless security for cyber-physical systems (e.g., factory automation).
- AI / Machine Learning assisted security and privacy at the physical, MAC, or networking layers.
- Generative Adversarial Networks for wireless and embedded security.
- Security protocols for wireless communications and networking.
- RF Jamming attacks and defenses for wireless networks.
- Localization and positioning privacy (GPS, UWB, BLE 5.2, etc.).
- Measurement of embedded computing privacy leakage.
- Privacy-enhancing and anonymization techniques in embedded computing.
- Security and privacy techniques in embedded computing.
- Privacy-enhanced data analytics and storage in embedded computing.
- Privacy-preservation methods on context (e.g., location, energy) changes in embedded computing.
- Offensive security and side-channel attacks on IoT devices.
- Security and possible weaknesses in 6G cellular networks (3GPP, ETSI, IEEE, etc.).
- Testbed and experimental platforms for wireless security.
- Vehicular network security (e.g., drones, automotive, avionics, autonomous driving).
- Security for UAV swarms (i.e., distributed, highly mobile systems).
- Communications security in satellite systems.
- Cryptography primitives and lightweight protocols for embedded IoT devices.
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS).
- Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs).
- Internet of the Things (IoT) security and privacy.
- Smart Contracts and Blockchain for wireless communication.
- Multi-factor authentication methods for embedded IoT devices.
- Zero-knowledge and zero-trust techniques in embedded computing.


Submission Instructions

Submitted papers must contain at most 6 pages, including all figures, tables, references, and adhering to the EWSN submission instructions and template All submissions must be written in English and should contain the authors' names, affiliations, and contact information. Submissions may be uploaded through the SPICES workshop track under EasyChair submission site

Camera Ready Instructions:

  • • Page limits: max 6 pages. These limits include references, tables, and any appendix.
  • • The final camera-ready PDF should be submitted via HotCRP or Easychair.
  • • The deadline for submitting the camera-ready is October 6.

More instructions:


Important Dates
21 Jul
Paper submission
10 Sep
Notification of acceptance
06 Oct
10 Dec
Workshop day