Prof José Ignacio Latorre

Prof. Dr. José Ignacio Latorre

Chief Researcher
Quantum Research Center

Prof. José Ignacio Latorre is Chief Researcher of the Quantum Research Center

A Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Barcelona (on leave), he has been associated with several prestigious research institutions including the Niels Bohr Institute (Copehangen, Denmark), Center for Quantum Technologies (Singapore), CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics - Nikhef (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). 

Prof. Latorre is a founder of Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, an institution that supports high-level international scientific events. He was also a founder of the NNPDF collaboration that performs research in the field of high-energy physics and develops artificial intelligence technology for the treatment of all data coming from the high-energy physics laboratory LHC, at CERN.

Prof. Latorre has authored over 130 research papers in international journals on particle physics and quantum information and three books on quantum mechanics and the ethics of artificial intelligence. He is actively engaged in outreach - giving motivational talks to young people everywhere, organising large-scale scientific exhibitions and editing science documentaries. Prof. Latorre was also associated with multiple startups, including a spinoff from the University of Barcelona. He consults national research agencies as Advisor.

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