Dr. Guillaume Matras
Dr. Guillaume Matras is Senior Director of the department of High Power Lasers and Applications at the Directed Energy Research Center (DERC), a cutting-edge UAE-based scientific research center. In this role, he leads a large research team across four divisions investigating different areas of interest: high-power laser sources, beam control systems, laser-matter interaction, and laser system engineering.
Prior to joining TII, Dr. Matras worked as a Laser Expert and Project Manager at THALES LAS France, a world-leading organization in aerospace and defense, in designing high-energy nanosecond lasers and high-peak-power Ti:Sa femtosecond laser systems. In this position, he developed and managed leading-edge powerful laser systems installed worldwide in prestigious international research institutes. As a technical leadership achievement, he supervised the construction of the most powerful laser system in the world at the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) Research Institute in Romania, which has been fully operational since 2019.
Dr. Guillaume Matras completed a PhD thesis in Optics, Photonics, and Microwaves from the Hubert Curien laboratory at Saint-Étienne, France, in collaboration with THALES Laser. He holds a Master’s Degree in the same field from Jean Monnet University and earned an Engineering Diploma from Telecom Saint-Étienne.