Dr. Rafael Santiago
Dr. Rafael Celeghini Santiago is graduated in mechanical engineering from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) in 2008, and he got his PhD degree in impact loadings on aeronautical structures at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) in cooperation with the University of Liverpool (UK) in 2014. He was an adjunct professor at Federal University of ABC (Brazil) between 2015-2020, coordinating the Aerospace Engineering course since 2018. He was a post-doctorate at the University of São Paulo between 2014 and 2016, a research visitor at Liverpool John Moores University (UK) in 2017, and lecturer at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Brazil) between 2014 and 2015. His interests include composite materials, fibre-metal laminates, experimental methods, and finite-elements analysis. In addition, he conducted researches projects on low/high-velocity impact on additive manufacturing structures, CubeSats, automotive safety, helmet design, high-strain rate materials characterization, and dynamic FE models in cooperation with Brazil, United Kingdom, Morocco, South Africa, Singapore, and Australia.