Dr. Chiara Busa
Dr Chiara Busà, Lead Researcher, ventured into energy materials since her master at Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy), fabricating energy transfer films for PV applications, shifting to plasmon solar cells when she joined Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). After moving to the UK for her PhD in chemical engineering, developing optically responsive surfaces by electrochemistry, she joined the Warwick Manufacturing Group and has since worked on battery science. As part of the Faraday Institution and later Catapult, she was involved a variety of projects toward the implementation of characterisation techniques for battery forensics, with both academic and commercial partners.
Dr Chiara Busà has a tracked expertise in battery science, electrochemistry, and microscopy. Key point of her research is the attention to eco sustainable technologies and materials, especially tailored for energy storage devices. Dr Chiara’s research interest spans from materials for energy purpose to electrochemical (including electrochemical impedance) and physical testing (including Secundary Ions Mass Spectroscopy-SIMS, SEM-FIB, EDS, Raman, nanoindentation), with particular attention to high-nickel compounds. She is an associate member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), and former member of outreach programs as STEM ambassador and Athena Swann.