Congratulations to our AI and Digital Science Research Center (AIDRC) and Prof. Mérouane Debbah, Chief Researcher, AIDRC and Fellow, IEEE, for collaborating with the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) and Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST) on a definitive paper for the IEEE Network magazine.
The acceptance of the article, titled ‘Realizing the Tactile Internet through Intelligent Zero Touch Network’ by the prestigious magazine signals an achievement for MBZUAI, TII, and KCST in the research domain. Prof. Debbah has co-authored it with Ismaeel Al Ridhawi (Senior Member IEEE), KCST, Kuwait, as well as Moayad Aloqaily (Senior Member IEEE), Fakhri Karray (IEEE Fellow), and Mohsen Guizani (IEEE Fellow), from MBZUAI.
The article will be published in the computer networking domain with an impact factor of 10.294, CiteScore of 18.7 highlighting the technological prowess of the three local institutions on a par with best-in-class international research entities. The article targets technological advances in the field of Tactile Internet and proposes the use of advanced intelligent and cooperative solutions at the edge of the network to realize Tactile Internet services.
The article also analyzes the technical issues that face Tactile Internet and proposes a zero-touch networking approach to enable applications such as haptics, vehicle platooning, and industrial automation. The publication of the article will also underscore the importance of collaboration among researchers across high-quality educational and research institutes – in this case between TII, MBZUAI, and KCST.
Both the UAE and the wider GCC region have set targets to improve their infrastructures to support smart cities, healthcare, education, and automation. In this context, this work provides an important reference on how technology, especially the advances in Artificial Intelligence, can support Tactile Internet services. Such services cover a wide scope, including tele-surgery, self-driving and connected vehicles, and immersive educational services.
Looking ahead, these achievements will not only encourage further collaborations among educational and industrial organizations, but also attract graduate students and researchers to pursue advances in zero-touch networking, AI, and immersive services.